We all seek and crave comfort and a sense of security in our lives, and even when we sleep, we prefer to be lulled and hugged to sleep, as compared to laying simply in our beds. Certainly, the more comfort we had, the better quality of sleep we would have.
Over the years, the use of weighted blankets has become an increasing trend, and unlike what we think, they don’t actually suffocate when you’re but on the contrary, assist you with getting better quality and restful nights. Typically ranging from 3 to 11kg, weighted blankets vary in both size and weight, allowing users to choose what suits them best when it comes to the size of their bed and one’s personal needs.
Weighted blankets often have been thought to be hug replacements, and the weight that comes along with these blankets creates and acts as a load and pressure on you when you sleep, which usually allows users to feel more secure as compared to typical blankets in the market. Research conducted has also shown that the additional weight holds calming benefits, which includes higher and longer relaxation periods, easing restlessness and improving sleep terrors and troubles throughout the nights.

Because of the calming sensations that are typically associated with the product, further studies conducted have also found that individuals who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, PTSD, autism and even chronic pain syndromes benefit greatly when they use the product. However, individuals who find it hard to breathe during the night should be warned that this product may not be sufficiently suitable for you in the long run. Should you be the latter, we would recommend lighter and thinner blankets with breathable materials.
The key to choosing a suitable blanket for yourself is the weight. Experts have suggested that the weight of the blanket should typically be around 10 percent of your own body weight, and if you are sharing the blanket, do opt for the lighter option as compared to the heavier one. Better yet, do give them a try before purchasing as the sudden large weight difference may serve as a surprise more often than not. The blanket should also be capable of equalizing weight across and applying the same amount of pressure across your body when in use so as to achieve equal distribution and allowing for deeper and better sleep. Breathable materials like cotton and bamboo are recommended when it comes to choosing the perfect blanket, so it is not only easy to use, but also easy to maintain. If you’re looking for the best tips to achieve good sleep, check out our article.
When it comes to washing your weighted blankets, anything below 20 pounds (approx. 9kg) can be washed in the washing machine, with the use of the gentle cycle by itself (i.e., do not mix it with other pieces of laundry). The preferred detergent for these delicate products should be washed with chlorine-free and bleach-free products and preferably, half a cup of vinegar in order to preserve the colors on the blanket during the wash, allowing for longer color retention. Delicate and gentle detergents are recommended for washing and low heat is essential for quality retention of the blanket.
In order to maintain the quality during the drying process, the most suitable method would be to air dry the blanket whilst laying the blanket flat to ensure that the contents of the blankets do not congregate at a specific portion. Additionally, do not attempt to iron the blanket and instead, give it a good shake before drying the blanket so you can achieve just the same effect.

For the fur parents out there, weighted blankets may not be the most optimal choice for your furkids, especially if they are prone to sleeping with you at night. While us humans may find a 10-pound blanket to be comforting, that will not be the same for our furkids, especially when a heavy blanket could reasonably present as a choking risk and hazard for your babies. Furthermore, pets that have present underlying respiratory conditions should not be sleeping under these blankets as they serve as more of a risk than comfort for them. Hence, what we would suggest is to either use lighter blankets that are more suitable for general use or to ensure that your pets sleep atop of the blankets instead. But if you ask us, we will opt for the latter instead.
However, with the use of weight-appropriate weighted blankets, your furkids may just be able to seek the same kind of luxury that you have! When it comes to issues like anxiety and the such, some of our furkids are of no exception and the use of weighted blankets on them have also proven to be fairly useful when it comes to easing tension and reducing anxiety-related symptoms! If you are unsure of the suitability of using one, do consult with your veterinarian before using and monitor closely during the initial periods of usage and ensure that the blanket is doing more good than harm on your babies!
Speaking of babies, these blankets may just be the answer for parents out there when it comes to easing your young ones to sleep. The blanket may act as a warm embrace, allowing the children to feel like they are sleeping the warm embrace of their mothers throughout the night. Goodbye restless nights!

We hope you have learnt a little about weighted blankets today and wish you the best of luck in acquiring the perfect sleep. Speaking of which, it’s time for my nap.
See you the next time!
Thank you for reading this article.