You can never go wrong with having white sheets for your bed, but maintaining your white sheets is not as easy as you think!
Over time, white sheets, pillowcases and even bolster cases understandably do turn yellow, and we simply chuck them away and purchase new ones. But what could be a solution to this? How do we make sure we get the best value out of our white sheets and keep them, well, white?
Here’s how:
Bleach is NOT the answer
As much as you think Bleach = White, that almost never works when it comes to keeping your sheets white for a long time. The components of bleach consist of an important component: chlorine, which reacts with protein-based stains like our sweat, oil secretions from our bodies, sexual fluids and even vomit to form yellow stains on our bed sheets. And being a resting space, it is almost inevitable these fluids will ultimately end up on our bed sheets.
Your solution: Laundry Boosters
A viable solution to your problem is the use of laundry boosters, readily available in your nearby supermarkets, to counter the problem. Laundry boosters are best used, when you soak your used bedding overnight (preferably) in water and wash them the next day as per normal. However, you will require a large tub or pail of the sorts to do so.
Water Temperature: When it comes to washing your white sheets, always opt for hot temperatures (approximately 60 degrees) to ensure you get a good run on your wash. Hot water will not only clean your sheets thoroughly but also ensure all the nasty bacteria and germs disappear after your wash!
Another solution: Clean Trio
Another viable and more natural solution would be the use of the top 3 natural cleaning ingredients in your home! The power of white vinegar, lemon and baking soda can clean almost anything and is also one of the preferred ways to cleaning your home! Affordable and easy, the clean trio is optimized when you pre-soak your used bedding in hot water and half a cup of vinegar for about an hour. Next, wring them out and put them into the washing machine as per usual, but add half a cup of baking soda or lemon juice with the detergent! The zingy and citrusy scent from the lemon will easily be able to eliminate the odor of the vinegar after the wash.
Always remember: Bluing
Your most important step to keeping your sheets white during the wash is the process of bluing. This happens when you add a solution (with blue tints) to your wash. Of course, we don’t mean any random blue tints out there so stay tuned below for product recommendations!
How the blue tint helps: Counteracting the yellow stains on your white bed sheets, the blue reacts with the yellow to create white sheets. However, do take note of the underlying precautions during usage (e.g., diluting, staining) so you’ll be able to get the best results!
Frequency of Wash
Another trick to keeping your sheets fresh and crisp white is to wash and launder them frequently. While others recommend once a month, we believe that washing your bed sheets once every week or two weeks would extend the longevity of your sheets to much longer! With that, it’s always good to prepare a few extra sets of bed sheets on hand.
Annoying Stains
When a stain forms on your bed, never take it for granted and leave it for later to clean! The trick is to treat the stain almost right away so you will be able to shorten the amount of time it takes to set on your beautiful white sheets and turn it into a sad rainbow.
How: Remove the stains with a damp sponge and dish detergent and blot the areas gently till it is removed. Otherwise, you may choose the easier way out and opt for stain sprays instead. If you’ll like more tips on stains and removal, do check out our article for specific tips to do so!
Avoid: To prevent unwanted and unnecessary stains from forming, do avoid eating breakfast in bed because as lovely as it sounds, the clean-up is a lot worse, trust me on that. Aside from stains, you simply do not want the company of pests like cockroaches to share your lovely bed with you, right?
Do: Remove your makeup before you go to bed, though I’m not too sure why you wouldn’t after a long day out. The residue of oils, sweats and your makeup will be sure turn your white bed sheets into a pretty canvas if you forget to do so!
Product Recommendations:
Laundry Booster

This versatile stain remover from OxiClean retails for S$20.95 at supermarket giant, Cold Storage. Your go-to stain remover, it is both chlorine-free and colour safe. It is suitable to use on clothes, carpets, upholstery and yes, bed sheets.
Check it out here.

Highly raved and reviewed, this bluing liquid from Mrs. Stewart’s retails at S$48 on Amazon and has received roaring reviews from users.
Check it out here.
Stain Spray

Powerful at removing new or old stains, this laundry stain remover from Dr. Beckmann costs S$5.25 and is perfect for eliminating stubborn stains from grease to red wine.
Get yours here.
It’s the second article of the week and we’re nearing the date of our first bazaar! We hope to see you there and of course, get to know you better. See you there!