It’s that time, where Christmas and the New Year are approaching, and we’re invited to the homes of our family and friends, only to find out that compared to last year, their space looks so much wider and cleaner compared to the clutter that we have at home.
The new leather pull-out couch, a fresh coat of paint, the image before your eyes feels very much like the Pinterest-worthy home decoration that you’ve wanted before you got your first home. You smell the fresh and familiar scent of lavender in the air and hear the soft purring of the robot vacuum whirring across the newly set white tiles on the floor.
Perhaps this is the home that I want, perhaps it’s time for a change.
With the pandemic measures slowly easing, families and friends soon get ready to approach the new year and festivities with bigger expectations and excitement, for the time to celebrate is indeed drawing near. The clean ups in our homes during the Circuit Breaker period really paid off, and since there are more spaces to be filled in our homes, you may begin to think of a change, a meaningful change for your home.
Whether you are a new homeowner or even a proud owner of a mature home, this is for you. Perhaps one or two of these Home Inspiration channels will allow you to let your creativity explode and well, improve your home!
The Interior Lab is predominantly an interior design firm that centers on bringing their customer’s ideals and visions to life. They place a high level of importance in understanding the needs and wants of their customers to tailor fit the right home for them. From assisting customers in building their first love nest to big corporate brands, The Interior Brand has since grown into sharing their love and passion for the job, and taken the fun to the platform of Youtube, where they share short home tours of satisfied clients, and hopefully, inspire you to build your first home with them.
From modern minimalist to grungy chic, they have it all. If you are looking for ideas to add to your new home or even to renovate one portion of your living space, do give them some consideration! Certainly, if you like anything from the video tours, you can also opt to do some budget-DIY by yourself and see how much you can save with a few nips and tucks!

Personally, I particularly enjoyed the 5-Room BTO video located in Yishun. The designer featured a few accent walls and the couple opted to have a larger kitchen by hacking down one of the bedrooms, allowing for a 3m long island in the middle of the kitchen. It’s truly a marvel. I was astounded at how the designers managed to utilize the space and even provided for different living spaces within the same house. Overall, the house was clean and looked so homely. Though I can’t say I have watched all of them, what I have seen was impressive so you may want to give it a look as well!
For now, enjoy the videos that they have to offer!
You can check out their channel here and their website here if you’re keen!
The channel INFINITIDY is owned by Amiko, who has dedicated her channel to bring about tips and tutorials on home decoration, cleaning hacks and organizational tips for your living space. A proud pet owner, she also shares easy little tips for you to maximize your living space and make room for your pets!
We all know that living with your pets may not be the easiest thing to do, but it sure is fun and lively, and Amiko is your guardian angel! Her clean and dainty videos make binge watching a breeze and you always seem to bring something new home every time. Perhaps you may even incorporate some of her home decoration ideas back home, and let you live a little simpler and better. I’m sure she won’t mind sharing her passion with the world!

I must say I am a big fan of her home aesthetics and I have so much to learn! If you are a homeowner who is planning to adopt or purchase a new puppy, do check out her video here to prepare for the arrival of little one into your home so both you and the happy little pup will feel at home!
Check out her website here and channel here to read more about her journey in creating the best spaces for your home!
The channel that got me hooked to write this article, Thoughtworthy Co is run by a lovely pair who focuses on maximizing their living space and creating a minimalist lifestyle. Their most popular video, the 3-Room Home Tour, proudly places their lifestyle as a benchmark for those who wish to live a similar lifestyle.
My honest thoughts when I first began watching the show was, “How could anyone live like this?”, but then again, I thought perhaps this is indeed the best way to live, to live without much so you learn to appreciate the better things in life and learn that our desires in life are not solely satisfied by materials needs and wants but rather, compromise.

It is also heartening to see and witness from them that with not much, we can always make something out of it. Further, as you create a smaller living space for you and your family, there is not much to clean either, a win-win in any aspect!
Check out their channel here and hopefully, you will be inspired!
Melissa Maker is the proud owner of the channel Clean My Space, and her dislike for cleaning was strangely what propelled her into the business. Her cleaning business, which was established in 2006 in Toronto, Canada, has been the base and learning rock of her vast knowledge on cleaning.
Sharing her knowledge with world on Youtube, Melissa teaches you everything there is to be learnt about cleaning, from cleaning your cleaning tools to cleaning your room in under 5 minutes! Thankfully, her channel may come into good use when we approach the coming Chinese New Year festivities, so you can not only impress your visitors, but most importantly, your mother!

If you would like to learn more cleaning hacks and even learn to DIY your own cleaning products so they’re not only budget-friendly but also safe for children, check her channel out here!
And what’s a home inspiration channel without some potential decorations or even necessities, right? Check out our article for the ultimate bedside table necessities so we can all learn how to make full use of our resources and buy what’s the most important for our home!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!