So get this, I get my daily morning coffee from the local coffee shop after what seemed like the worst sleep I ever had last night and wham!, I turn around to leave and a child bumps into me, spilling my only white top. Frustrating. I think to myself, "Great, that's just great, that's going to cost me another white top. I better clean it before it stays".
Hold up! What should I do about a coffee stain?

Well firstly, I’ll tell you something you should NOT do: freak out. Because this tip will help you solve even the darndest of coffee stains.
RUN to the nearest water source and find a clean cloth to blot your fabric with. Note: you do not have to soak the entire cloth in water. A sufficient amount will do. Remove the stain as you continuously turn and rub the cloth onto the stained fabric and run cold water through the back of the stain. This method should be sufficient to help you remove the coffee that you have just spilled.
BUT, if you’re a “that’s alright, I’ll figure that out later and soon regrets it” kind of person, well, then this tip is for you. Soak the piece of fabric in cold water when you get home and rub liquid detergent onto the stain with your fingers. Soak the cloth in cold water for 30 minutes and rub the liquid detergent at every 5 minute interval. If that doesn’t work, proceed to soak the fabric in warm water for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly after.
P.S. Using an old toothbrush to scrub the detergent into every grain of the stained fabric may save you some trouble.
Phew, now that I’ve gotten that darn stain out. I guess I will just forget about having the coffee, now that it’s all over… well… me. I glance at the time on my phone. It’s 8:45 already?! Work begins at 9 and I live 30 minutes away. That’s just wonderful, no? I rush to take the nearest cab and heave a sigh of relief after waiting by the side of the road for a good 10 minutes before getting one. So much for waking up earlier to do my makeup. Now that I am all sweaty and have what feels like mascara dripping down my cheek, I turn to my phone for one last check before I arrive at work. It’s not even 9 and I’m a mess. The car halts and I pay the driver and leave. Perhaps work will be better.
It didn’t take long to dash my hopes as I frantically rush to the office like a mad person, only to find out that my sleeve had an interesting blend of black and yellow. I wondered what that could be. Did I not clean the coffee stain? An unwanted memory hits me: I wiped the sweat off my face with my sleeve earlier on and forgot about that.
Now I have what looks like mascara and sweat on my sleeve. What could be better?
Perhaps it could be the next fashion trend but really, I’m just kidding.
Makeup products like mascaras and lipstick are oil-based products and they should never, and I repeat, NEVER, be used with just water for removal. Instead, apply shampoo or hairspray onto stained area for 10 minutes and wash with water or dab it with a damp cloth after, whichever works!
NOW for the sweat stain. I absolutely abhor seeing the sweat stains on my items of clothing and washing it with purely water almost never seems to work! Instead, try using lemons to do the trick. Sprinkle some salt and squeeze half a lemon onto the stain, soaking it. Rub the stained area until it disappears and wash the fabric. Then proceed to the kitchen to make yourself a well-deserved cup of honey lemon for a job well done.
If that doesn’t work, you can also opt to use white vinegar for removal. The combination of 2 parts vinegar and 1 part water will do the same after being soaked for a couple of hours and washed after.

I spoke too soon. Once again, I am in a crisis. The sudden barks from my neighbour’s dog startled me and I spilled the wine onto my top, again. This could be a sign, that I should throw this damn top away. I really should.
Adding wine to the mix. This is the best day ever. My top could serve as an inspiration for Givenchy or something.

Act fast for red wine spills. Spray a generous amount of hairspray onto the stain and leave it for a few minutes. Blot with a clean cloth and repeat if necessary. It usually is.
Wash the fabric using a washing machine after at it’s fabric-specific temperature.
For cotton, wash at 40 degree Celsius with detergent.
For silk and wool, wash at 30 degree Celsius on the delicate mode of the washing machine.
Finally. The day ends. I suppose this might be the only way I can get a good sleep after all. I shall wear black tomorrow.
The common household items used for stain removal are typically useful and multifunctional. It never hurts to have a few prepared at home for the unexpected accidents and know that you are always prepared to face a crisis.
Prepare the following and conquer a stain-less home!
- Baking Soda (good for reducing odour and safe to use for children’s clothes)
- Lemon/Lime Juice (nature’s bleach, best for sweat stains)
- White Vinegar (inexpensive and safer to use than bleach and fabric softeners)
- Cornstarch/Baby Powder (best for grease stains!)
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